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The Bridoire Castle, or how to spend a good ...

Jul 01, 2022
In the mind of the tourist, the Dordogne is mostly synonymous with the Périgord Noir and wandering through the vall ...
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The smoothed-payment loan : how to use it (w...

Jul 01, 2022
When a household has a property project, the first concern (and sometimes the main obstacle) will be how to finance ...
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Dance at the Moulin de la Galette Ball thank...

Jun 07, 2022
Any visitor to the Musée d’Orsay who suddenly feels the urge to bathe in the crowd need only immerse themselv ...
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How can you protect yourself from the risks ...

May 24, 2022
Of the various ways of getting rich, real estate is still seen as a safe haven, compared to the risks involved with ...
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Buying real estate : 10 reasons to opt for t...

May 19, 2022
If you are planning to buy a property, you may have wondered about buying new. There are a number of advantages to ...
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Commercial premises for sale: how to make it...

May 19, 2022
Shortage of property, prices too high, desire for atypical accommodation, etc. There are many reasons why a propert ...
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Loc’avantages: you can submit your app...

May 03, 2022
As part of the reduction of inequalities and the fight against poor housing, the government is continuing its action by rewarding the efforts made by landlords. This year they can benefit from a new t ...
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The Vaucluse in 10 stages , for a dream Prov...

May 03, 2022
There’s nothing like the sound of cicadas to make you feel on holiday ! Although they are a wonderful accompaniment to the evening aperitif, they do not tell you about all the wonders offered by ...
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Sale of Rented Accommodation : what are the ...

Apr 27, 2022
Any landlord may want to sell his property for a variety of reasons, the most common of which is to make a profit. The effect on the renter may differ depending on whether the owner desires to sell hi ...
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Everything you need to know about the title ...

Apr 27, 2022
Document of paramount importance, the title deed confers a legal right on a property and makes it possible to certi ...
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