Specialties & Service Areas
Auvergne-Rhône-AlpesBrittanyCentre-Val de LoireGrand EstHauts-de-FranceNormandyNouvelle-AquitaineOccitanieParis Île-de-FrancePays de la LoireProvence-Alpes-Côte d AzurNEUILLY SUR SEINEAinAisneArdecheAudeBouches du RhoneCharente-MaritimeCote d AzurEssonneEur et LoirEureGirondeHaut RhinHaute-GaronneHeraultLoir et CherLoire AtlantiqueLoiretMorbihanMoselleNordRhoneSeine Saint DenisSommeVal de MarneYvelinesFranceAbout Me
I am a qualified estate agent located in NEUILLY SUR SEINE which is part of Centre-Val de Loire . I know very well the local area and can give you tips to find the perfect holiday home or to relocate near NEUILLY SUR SEINE.
Contact Charlène Levignac
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