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News from France

Terraced and semi-detached houses

Buying a terraced or semi-detached house: a good idea?

If you’re looking for your future home, the question has certainly arisen: are you going to exclude terraced houses from your search, or include them? The answer is not so obvious, and while everyone will tend to prefer a detached house, there are good reasons – budgetary or thermal, for example – why terraced houses have certain qualities that should not be overlooked. To

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10 tips for reducing energy bills

10 tips for reducing energy bills

Resisting inflation and maintaining a decent standard of living is easier when certain expenses can be modulated. This is the case with energy bills, and with prices rising on this particular item of expenditure, the effort is all the more worthwhile. Reducing your energy bill does not necessarily mean losing comfort, if the right actions are taken. Some are obvious, others require an initial

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10 must-sees for a stay in the Basque Country

The Basque Country, a Franco-Spanish territory between mountains and sea, is an exceptional destination for a change of scenery. The Basque coast in particular, which stretches between Bayonne and Hendaye, offers a diversity of landscapes to discover: wild coastlines, Atlantic Ocean and Pyrenees in the background. The territory is also distinguished by its culture, its traditions and the richness of its cultural heritage which

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Why get a home security system ?

The National Observatory of Delinquency and Penal Responses (ONDRP) states that a burglary occurs in France every 90 seconds. However, this is not a fatality to be expected, as there are ways of protecting one’s property, and probably in a more comprehensive way than most households expect. While it is still useful to install a traditional alarm in your home to detect an anomaly

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Buying a holiday home: 5 points to watch out for

Buying a second home has become a common occurrence in our country: in the fiscal sense, one in ten homes is a second home. More than half of these properties are located on the coast or in the mountains, and to a lesser extent in the largest cities. Of the second homes owned by French households, two thirds are owned by people over 60

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Summer heat : how to preserve your home and your comfort ?

The forecasts are clear and the discomfort is already being felt: our summers are set to become hotter and hotter and extreme heat waves more frequent. The whole country is affected and the migration of holidaymakers, or even residents, to Brittany or Normandy does not seem to be enough to avoid suffering the effects.  Until now, heat resilience has not been a criterion in

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